Friday, January 28, 2011

Tom Sachs "McDonald's" This is Sach's site. He tends to create pieces that are highly critical of society, but are complex and interactive. For instance, McDonald's is a completely functional home-made McDonald's stand. His work can be very humorous.

Michael Stutz "Coyote"  This scultpure is interesting because Stutz is able to have the material work for him on many different levels: Support, texture, size, durability. He uses every aspect of cardboard he can to enhace his idea. 

Tom Friedman "Hot Balls" and "Untitled" This site discusses Friedman's techniques and depicts a piece made of soap and his own pubic hair and another piece made of hundreds of stolen balls. His work is interesting because it pushes the materials and idea to an extreme.

Tom Friedman "Untitled" The photos on this page are of Friedman's work that is supposed to be a self-portrait and is made entirely of construction paper.

Tim Hawkinson's "Uberorgan" This link goes to a website that discusses some of Hawkinson's work. The Uberorgan is on this site and is what originally attracted me to his work.